Sephora Collection Sleeping Masks: Lotus, Pearl, and Green Tea

While I was checking out at the Eaton Centre Sephora, I came across these tiny face masks in the Beauty on the Fly section. I had seen these on the website but they weren't available online yet, so I grabbed one during checkout. Let's just say it was love at first sight.

During the Sephora 4x Points Rouge Event, I grabbed three more of these masks: the "moisturizing and soothing" Lotus, the "mattifying and anti-blemish" Green Tea, and the "perfecting and brightening" Pearl.

I can safely say that these sleeping masks have changed my skincare routine. At $5 each, I wasn't expecting much from these at all; it was curiosity more than anything else that made me grab one of these. I was pleasantly surprised at how well these masks actually work!

The Lotus mask moisturizes my dry skin very well at night, and really does soothe my sensitive skin on the days where I have minor blistering from sun damage. The Lotus mask is a gel-cream consistency, which gives a slight cooling effect when applied, and sinks right into the skin. This mask takes about ten to fifteen minutes to absorb into my skin.

The Green Tea mask is meant to mattify your skin and fade blemishes. While I haven't seen any evidence of my skin mattifying, I definitely see my acne scars fading fast after a few days of use. The jelly consistency is probably my least favourite of the three, as it takes a little longer to fully absorb into the skin, leaving me with a slightly sticky feeling against my pillow. I'd say it takes about twenty to thirty minutes to absorb.

The Pearl mask is meant to perfect and brighten your complexion. Let me say I definitely see this in my face! I've noticed the darker patches on my skin, especially the area around my mouth, and my normally dark undereyes, look noticeably brighter and my complexion has evened out a fair amount after using this mask. Like the Lotus mask, it is also a gel-cream consistency, which takes around fifteen minutes to absorb into my skin.

The only downside I see to these masks is that to fully have them absorb, you'll have to have them on your face for around an hour or so. They won't stick to your pillow after around twenty minutes, but you will be able to feel them. To expedite this process, I keep my face in front of my table top fan for a few minutes while browsing the internet or texting.

Usually skincare products (especially masks) don't do much to my skin, or when they do, the results are fleeting. After using these masks for a couple of weeks, I've already seen a huge improvement in skin texture, smoothness, and colour. 

Another amazing thing about these masks is that, despite their size, you can use each mask around four to five times all over your face! When first applying them, I was confused as to why there was so much product left in the container, only to realize I can keep reusing it. One word of advice however; after your first use, depot the product into a small container, as the foil top is not resealable and the mask will dry out if left open. I usually put a small jar of moisturizer on top to keep it closed, but storing them in a small jar will definitely make it last longer.

You can pick these up in a Sephora near you, or you can also grab these online. To me, they're worth every damn penny!


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